
Thursday 12 December 2013

Favourite Trips 2013.

This is the graph I did to show which Trip was the most favourite to go on for Room 13 children.

This is the graph I did to show which Trip was the least favourite to go on for Room 13 children.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Chicken Questions

This is my google drawing of questions where all the answers are Chickens. I hope you like it.

My reflection for 2013

Reading: Reading is good for you because you learn to read hard words and recognise letters as well. I like to read at home with my mum and at school with my teacher . I like to learn about new things when i read. My goal for reading is to move up to a higher level.

Writing: My favourite work is writing because I like to write about different things. I like to tell people my stories about what I do at home and school. My goal in writing next year is to write longer stories and not get help all the time. 

Maths I like to do maths because we get to go on Maths Whizz and Xtramaths. We learn lots of different things by going on maths whizz like adding, subtracting and multiplication. I like maths because it helps me learn how to add things up so that if i buy something at the shop I know how much it will cost. My goal for next year is to be in a higher maths group. 

Conclusion: This year i'm trying my hardest to not fight by keeping my feet and hands to myself so I don’t get on detention. I hope I can take my netbook home at the end of the year so I can play games and keep up with my learning. I enjoyed being in Miss Lavakula’s class this year and have learnt lots of exciting things. I am looking forward to being a year 6 next year.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

damien chicken farm

Chicken Farms

paragraph 1
Use these words to write sentences about what the mother, father and babies are called.
Write your 2-3 sentences here.
Roosters are male chickens.Hens are the female and they lay eggs .The babies  are called  chicks.

paragraph 2
Use these words to write sentences about what they look like
two feet
Write your 2-3 sentences here.
They got red beaks , red and white bodies when they grow older they get a bit old.They have beaks,feathers and other things arounds its body.

paragraph 3
Use these words to write sentences about what we get from chicken farms.
Write your 2-3 sentences here.

Every supermarket has eggs and meat from the chickens. We buy meat and eggs from there